Uncovering the Hidden Positives

Niket Gupta
2 min readOct 15, 2023

Have you ever found yourself fixating on life’s little setbacks rather than its small triumphs? Today, I want to share a seemingly ordinary story that holds a valuable lesson about the way we perceive our daily experiences.

Picture this: It’s a typical day, and I’m on my way to my beloved cult fitness class, a place where sweat and determination unite. In cult fitness, you can’t just stroll in whenever you please; you must book your classes in advance. I had secured a slot for 11 AM, but life had other plans that morning.

As the clock ticked away, I realized I was running late. Panic set in as I rushed out the door at 10:55 AM, hoping against hope that I’d make it in time. I stepped out of my building, and miraculously, an autorickshaw appeared as if the universe had conspired to help me. Thanks to that timely rickshaw ride, I reached the gym right on schedule, ensuring I didn’t miss the session. Incredible, right?

But why am I sharing this seemingly mundane incident with you? Here’s the real reason. I could have easily dwelled on the negative aspect of my lateness, feeling disappointed in myself. After all, it happens to the best of us. But instead, I chose to focus on the silver lining — the fact that I made it to the class on time, against the odds.

The point I want to drive home is this: Among the five challenges we may encounter, there are fifty small victories we tend to overlook. Our brains are wired to highlight the negative and underappreciate the positive. It’s a common human tendency, but it doesn’t have to be our default mode.

Let’s conduct a little experiment together. Take a moment to reflect on the past week. Can you recall three negative incidents? Now, try to remember three positive moments. Which ones came to mind more effortlessly?

Before we part ways, I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s start acknowledging the countless positive moments that make up our lives — the unexpected autorickshaws that get us to our destinations on time, the smiles from strangers, and the little triumphs that often go unnoticed. Together, we can shift our perspective and celebrate life’s tiny victories. Stay tuned for more stories and inspiration on this journey. I’ll see you soon!



Niket Gupta

Career and Mindset Coach and Author of "Why Not?". Helping professionals become an exceptional performer by building superior self-awareness and identity.